Unmached Endurance and Weather Protection to Safegaurd Your Home in Every Season
Interior Primer-Water Based
Silk Luxury Basecoat
High-performance primer for interior masonry surfaces.
Provides Good Opacity
Reduces Porosity of Surface
Improves Finish Coat Performance
BP Cement Primer (WT)
100% acrylic-based primer for interior surfaces
Superior Whiteness
Excellent Opacity
Alkali Resistant
BP White Primer
An acrylic-white primer for high-end paint application
High Opacity
Resistant to Chalking
Excellent Whiteness
BP White Primer Lite-WT
BP White Primer Lite is a specially formulated economy acrylic primer for interiors, which gives good performance at low cost.
Excellent Whiteness
Cost Effective
Easy Brushability
Exterior Primer-Water Based
BP Exterior Cement Primer
An acrylic primer for exterior masonry surfaces
Excellent Whiteness
High Opacity
Resistant to Chalking
Walmasta Exterior Interior Primer
Walmasta Exterior & Interior primer is a 2 in 1 best in class Acrylic Water base Primer suitable for both Ext & Int masonry surfaces.
Easy Brushability
Excellent Opacity
Excellent Whiteness
BP INEX Primer
Acrylic Water Based Primer for both Interior and Exterior Surfaces
Easy Brushability
Excellent Opacity
Excellent Whiteness
Weathercoat Biowash
A reliable anti-fungal pre-treatment solution for your exterior walls
Ready To Use
Can Be Used On Masonry As Well As Wooden Surface
Solvent Primers
BP Cement Primer (ST)
An alkyd-based primer for keeping paint fresh
Alkali Resistant
Superior Whiteness
Excellent Opacity
BP White Primer (ST)
An oil-based primer to hide surface imperfections
High Opacity
Easy Brushability
Excellent Whiteness
Metal Primer
Luxol QD 1K Epoxy Primer
Special Expoxy base resin primer | Excellent anti corrosive properties | One pack ready to use | Suitable for interior and exterior surfaces
Easy to Apply
Excellent Adhesion
Matte Finish
BP Anti Corrosive 1K Epoxy Primer
BP Anti Corrosive is a one pack expoxy primer with good anti corrosive properties and is and provides superior and long lasting finish over regular metal primers and is suitable for both interior and exterior surfaces.